I’m ultimately very happy with the FAudio Mezzo after initial frustration trying to obtain a good seal without discomfort. This model is large on the ear, and highly tip dependent, so users should come prepared with a number of tip options or budget for aftermarket options.
The Mezzo has an overall bass/mid bass centric sound that I found a little too much with tips like the Spinfit Dual Flange cp240, these however, provided excellent isolation. Having the ability to increase the mids and highs via switches to balance out the bass is a real benefit of this design. Unexpectedly, I get a more tonally balanced sound using spherical shaped foam tips. Your mileage may vary.
Users should note that FAudio’s documentation has the switch designations reversed. Switch 1 is treble, 2 is mids, and 3 is the bass setting.
Build quality is excellent all around including the supplied cable and tank-like storage case.
If your listening preferences lean towards the lower frequencies and a warm/full sound with nice high end extension, this limited edition is worth a look.